WordPress on AWS Lightsail

Terraform blueprint that deploys a simple and affordable WordPress site on AWS Lightsail.


terraform>= 1.5.0
aws>= 5.52
time>= 0.11


blueprint_idLighsail instance imagestringn/ayes
bundle_idBundle ID of the Amazon Lightsail instance. A bundle describes the specifications of an instance, such as the monthly cost, amount of memory, the number of vCPUs, amount of storage space, and monthly network data transfer quota.string"nano_3_0"no
cdn_bundle_idBundle ID of the Amazon Lightsail CDN distribution. A distribution bundle specifies the monthly network transfer quota and cost. Available options: small_1_0 (50GB), medium_1_0 (200GB), large_1_0 (500GB).string"small_1_0"no
cdn_static_content_path_patternsList of static content path patterns that should be cached for a long period of time. This is usually versioned content that is invalidated using the cache-busting technique."list(string)[]no
dns_subdomainSubdomain for the Drupal site. E.g. "www"stringn/ayes
dns_zone_namePublic zone name for the Drupal site e.g. example.com. If the DNS zone already exists, records will be added to the existing zone. Otherwise, a zone will be created.stringn/ayes
key_pathPublic key path (e.g. ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub).string""no
public_keyThe public key material. This public key will be imported into Lightsail.string""no
use_custom_key_pairCustom key pair name will be used, you must specify 'key_pair_name'boolfalseno
user_dataSingle lined launch script as a string to configure server with additional user data.string""no


cdn_domain_nameThe domain name of the Lightsail CDN distribution.
ipv4_addressThe public IP address of the Lightsail instance. This is a static IP address, and it will not change if the instance is stopped or restarted.
ipv6_addressList of IPv6 addresses for the Lightsail instance.



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Last updated: Jan 3, 2025

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